Tag Archives: Blanket

Koselig Blanket

After the triumph of finishing my chartreuse jumper, the next thing on my started-and-not-finished knitting pile was this blanket. I had ordered the Koselig Blanket kit from Wool and the Gang in time for my Christmas break the year before last, but it took me a while to get it started.

This was my first time doing herringbone stitch, and once you get the hang of it, it’s a pretty easy stitch to master. The blanket is knitted on comically huge needles in 2 panels, then seamed together. The seam is supposed to be invisible, but as you can see below, I didn’t manage to achieve that. The tutorial on the Wool and the Gang website is for doing the invisible join on stocking stitch, which I’ve managed, but herringbone stitch looks completely different, so I didn’t really manage the seamless join! It was also supposed to have tassels but I didn’t bother adding them.

The yarn came in the kit, and is the Crazy Sexy Wool in colour bronzed olive, in the smaller size. And I love how snuggly it is! I used it loads during this last Winter (as I finished it just after Christmas this year). And it matches my favourite mustard yellow mug!

The wool does shed quite badly because it’s not spun. There are little bits of fluff all over the flat, but it’s a price I’m willing to pay for such a snuggly blanket. I have a whole ball of the wool left so I might one day make a matching cushion cover, in the same herringbone stitch. Also one day I might get around to unpicking the seam and doing it better…but probably not, let’s be honest.