Tag Archives: Jersey tee

2 Jersey Inari Tees

After sharing my 6 woven Inari tees I thought I’d share 2 jersey ones I made at the same time. I think 8 should be enough of the same top for now, hey! 😂

This first one is made from leftover fabric from this Peppermint jersey dress I made a few years ago.

I still love the colour of this fabric and since I don’t wear the dress super often, I’m glad to have another garment made from the same fabric.

You can’t really see in the photos but I put the neckband on backwards, with the join right in the front which is a bit annoying but I noticed after I’d overlocked and top-stitched it and couldn’t be bothered to unpick so much stitching!

This grey one is made from the left over fabric from my Toaster sweater, which I also very seldom wear, so I’m also glad to have finally sewn up the remnants into a more wearable top.

I don’t quite know what happened to the neckband on this top, but it looks really buckled. Bit annoying, but again, I noticed when I’d done all the stitching and what can I say, I’m lazy!

This was the smallest remnant I used for any Inari tee so I really had to piece together the back panel. I slightly wish I’d pieced the front too, though I do kind of like the sleek front and pieced back.

In case you hadn’t guessed, I think the Inari is my favourite boxy tee pattern, though there are so many other options out there. I do kind of want to try some other patterns but how many t-shirts does someone who lives in the UK need?!

What’s your favourite tee pattern?

Stripey Cropped Inari Tee

I made a cropped Inari Tee! I haven’t actually worn it yet as it feels a little breezy around the midriff and it’s been pretty cold recently in Cirencester. I do really like the proportions and the shape of this top, though – that’s one of the things that made me want to make it, seeing everyone else’s great makes.

I made the size 8 with no changes as this was kind of a wearable toile – I used leftover fabric from my Marianne dress so if it had been a disaster I had only used some leftovers! I did the same thing as on the Marianne dress by using the stripes the other way around on the neckline, and I still like how it looks!

I also love the cuffs, which I also did with the stripes going the other way. As I mentioned in my post about taking in a raglan tee, I’m really liking cuffs on short sleeves at the moment. It’s definitely one of my favourite things about my new melilot shirt, too.

Although I quite like the proportions of the top, which I’m wearing here with some high waisted trousers (which I altered last year), I think on my next version – yes, I’m already planning another version – I might lengthen it by an inch, just so I feel a bit more comfortable. If I put my arms up at all, there is a lot of skin on show – and if I put my arms really high, you can basically see my bra! I guess this is not a top to wear on days when I have to reach for anything in public! I might also level off the hem as I don’t really love how it’s higher at the front for some reason.

I wonder if I should maybe take it in a bit at the shoulders with the next version? In a less drapey fabric, it might not sit as nicely – I can see a little bit of pooling in the upper bust area, which might look worse in the fabric I’ve got planned, which is a little more structured than this jersey, though still quite drapey. What do you think? Is it worth making lots of changes to a fairly simple t-shirt?



