Tag Archives: Sweatpants

Arden Sweatpants for lockdown living

So this is going to be what I look like for the next couple of months (or more) after the announcement yesterday that England is going back into lockdown. It’s absolutely the right decision but to be completely honest I’m pretty embarrassed to be British right now. Brexit is a total disaster and we’ve cocked up the pandemic worse than probably every other country except the US.

So to celebrate more time sitting in my house, I’ve made more sweatpants. I actually made these back in October and wore them during the November lockdown and now they’ll get loads more wear!

I used the Arden pattern instead of making more Hudsons because while I like the Hudsons I made, they are a little on the snug side, especially the cuff, so I thought I would use the Arden pattern as I prefer how high-waisted it is. I know True Bias released a hack to make the Hudsons higher waisted but I’m lazy and had the Ardens already ready to go.

I made the size 6 as before and should have really looked at Helen’s excellent tutorial on making the Ardens into joggers. In particular I very much fudged the cuffs. I tried the original version with the elastic option but I only had narrow elastic and it looked really weird. I also didn’t want the cuffs as narrow as on the Hudsons so I kind of did somewhere in between the woven original Arden cuff and the Hudson cuff. They are probably a bit loose but also they’re much easier to get on and off so I’m not going to change them (also who wants to have to unpick overlocking if you don’t have to!?).

Both lots of fabric were from Fabric Godmother – I ordered it after I realised how much wear my Hudsons were getting and thought ‘I need more sweatpants in more colours!’ I went for black and mustard and they are both super soft and comfortable. It was their organic sweatshirt fleece and was really nice to sew with.

The cording was from Minerva Crafts, as was the case for the Hudsons I made but I must have chosen the wrong item because this stuff is like plastic whereas the stuff I ordered before was really nice. This is like tent guy ropes – not great. I’m definitely going to try to order some replacements. Helen doesn’t include a drawstring in her blog post but I used the Hudson instructions and made the button holes (with interfacing to reinforce them) before attaching the waistband.

Part of Helen’s blog post is to add the edging to the pockets which I did anyway as it is one of my favourite design details on the Hudsons. I used the Hudson pattern piece as a guide for the width and then lengthened it to span the whole pocket edge.

I didn’t foresee these getting so much wear to be honest, but COVID is here to stay for a long while yet I think so I’m very glad I’ve got comfortable options in my wardrobe, as well as all the jeans I made last Summer.

Are you feeling inspired to make more lounge wear given us all being at home looks unlikely to change any time soon? I’m not sure I would have considered myself someone who wore sweatpants before the pandemic but comfort (and warmth) is the most important consideration for me getting dressed at the moment – and when I was working in December, these are ideal to change into (out of jeans) when I’d get home! I’m a total sweatpants convert!



Hudson Sweatpants

How did I wait so long to make Hudson pants?!?!

When the UK went into lockdown at the end of March I kinda realised I didn’t have a huge amount of comfortable, lounging-around-the-house-clothes. Enter the Hudson Pants! I think this might be my first True Bias pattern and I really like it, though I did find the pdf pattern difficult to assemble.

I made the size 4, based on my hip measurement and I’m pretty pleased with the fit. I was pretty worried they were going to end up really short by looking at the pattern, but of course there’s the cuff and the waistband to take into account. Luckily they worked out fine!

I did have to make a tiny fitting tweak as I was going, by reducing the seam allowance to 0.5cm on the legs as they were way to tight! If I made these again I might even go up a size – and I do kinda feel like I need 20 pairs of these, in every colour!

Both of these sweatshirtings are from New Craft House and they are both really nice quality. They shed like a bitch while I was cutting and sewing them, but I’ve worn both pairs quite a bit and no pilling yet in sight! The cord was from Minerva Crafts. If you know anywhere that sells nice quality sweatshirtings, please let me know as I do kinda want to make more of these!

Having said I might go up a size next time, I actually do like the fit of these as they are just snug enough to not look like I’m wearing sweatpants that aren’t mine. But they’re loose enough to still be comfortable.

The grey pair does give me slight camel-toe vibes!😂 Any one have any ideas how to fix this? I assume it means I need a little more room in the rise? So actually going up a size might work (OMG, I’ve gone back and forth on this like 3 times in this one blog post!).

Since I’ve been spending the vast majority of my furlough sitting at my sewing machine, I can confirm that while I love jeans, these are sooooooo much more comfortable if you’re sitting all day!

I haven’t actually worn these out of the house yet, but I think they are definitely nice enough to wear out of the house – particularly with my Uniqlo/ Merchant and Mills tees which I’d kind of forgotten about!

So am I the last person to make the Hudson pants? I think I’m definitely the last person who hasn’t yet made the Ogden Cami, the other most popular of True Bias’s patterns! I’m not sure whether I thought sweatpants would suit me, but I’m so glad I made them – even if I do just wear them for sewing in, comfort is king!